Hover is a BARS Registered RPAS (Drone/UAV) Operator.
We are delighted to announce that Hover UAV is now a BARS Registered RPAS (Drone/UAV) Operator, having successfully passed one of the first BARS RPAS Audits. Hover UAV’s participation in the BARS program demonstrates our continued commitment to ensuring the highest possible safety standards are always maintained.
A BARS audit is a comprehensive aviation audit designed to ensure the safety of aircraft and aviation operations using a globally recognised safety standard. BARS audits are part of the larger not-for-profit Flight Safety Foundation.
Under the Program, operators are assessed to a common standard specifically designed for the specialised activities they are contracted to perform for their clients. In Hover UAV’s case this would be for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems and Beyond Visual Line of Sight operations.
We take responsibility for the safety of our operations seriously. As part of this responsibility, we ensure that all aircraft are properly maintained and regularly inspected. This commitment extends to ensuring that everyone involved in operations has completed the appropriate training and holds the applicable licences and qualifications.
This means we can offer our clients peace of mind when engaging us for their RPAS needs. This also allows us to support the leading organisations within the mining, oil & gas and general industries sector.
“RPAS are critical to business operations for a range of sectors and used within a multitude of operations enabling data collection, enhancing security, and improving productivity.”
-David Anderson, BARS Program Director in International Mining
Why was BARS formed?
BARS was first formed out of a need by resource and mining companies for a global common standard of safety, aimed at improving the safety standard in the contracted aviation environment by putting operators through a rigorous and objective audit.
Why is a BARS audit useful?
Organisations, particularly resource and mining companies, are poised to reap the benefits of the strict BARS audit process, given the potential risks that RPAS operations can pose. While some resource and mining companies have successfully developed their own RPAS operations, more commonly, these organisations outsource their drone requirements.
As resource and mining companies are reliant on external operators, the safety and compliance of these operators is in the interest of these organisations, as much as the operators themselves.
BARS audit: A global common standard
Aviation operations often transcend national boundaries, which means there is a variation in aviation safety requirements between operators around the world. This becomes a challenge from a safety assurance perspective, as there is no ‘common denominator’ to measure safety and therefore mitigate risk, in aviation organisational and operational practices across the industry.
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At Hover UAV we assist drone programs from conception to full implementation. We are a passionate team of experts, with diverse skill sets and backgrounds gained in sectors such as maritime, crewed aviation, defense, corporate and engineering sectors.
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