March 26, 2023
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BVLOS Training

BVLOS Training

BVLOS training – The drone industry views operating Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) as the next frontier but obtaining the necessary BVLOS rating has been a challenge due to the complexity of the current licensing requirements. However, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) in Australia has introduced an alternative way of obtaining the BVLOS rating through a CASA-approved OCTA BVLOS examination, which has eliminated the barriers and complexity of the previous Instrument Rating Examination (IREX) requirement.

To help operators and organisations prepare for this new requirement, Hover UAV, a well-known drone consultancy, has launched a nationwide training program for the BVLOS Rating exam. The course covers a wide range of topics, including general BVLOS knowledge, aeronautical knowledge, meteorology, airspace classification, human factors, navigation systems, communications, and examination practice, which has been tailored to provide operators with the knowledge and skills needed to pass CASA’s OCTA BVLOS examination and as such operate safely and efficiently during BVLOS operations.

Hover UAV’s new training program is an excellent opportunity for operators and organisations looking to transition to BVLOS operations. With Hover UAV’s expertise in conducting BVLOS operations in applications such as drone delivery, operating from a remote operations center (ROC), and conducting long-range surveillance, the company is well-positioned to offer high-quality training and ensure a smooth and safe transition to BVLOS operations. The program is open to all operators across Australia, and Hover UAV is committed to providing nationwide training.

BVLOS Training
Hover UAV – BVLOS Operations

If you’re interested in Hover UAV’s BVLOS Rating exam training program, you can visit their website to learn more and sign up for the next available training session. With the drone industry evolving rapidly, this training program is an excellent way to stay ahead of the curve and become a successful and safe BVLOS operator.

For more information please do not hesitate to reach out to Hover UAV for more information.

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