October 31, 2022
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Balancing Safety & BVLOS Flights The Regulatory Dilemma

Balancing Safety & BVLOS Flights

Balancing Safety & BVLOS Flights – With a focus on the regulatory landscape, this session from Jackie Dujmovic, CEO of Hover UAV at the inaugural NEST GEN 2022 event convened by Flytbase gives a deeper understanding of how to undertake BVLOS operations and the regulatory process involved in gaining such approvals or waivers. Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations is the dream of many who are looking to maximise the benefits of their RPAS technology by operating beyond the conventional visual line of sight constraints so many operators are used to.

Balancing Safety & BVLOS Flights – Jackie Dujmovic

The above video takes a deep dive into the regulatory process and considerations of operating BVLOS including operating from a remote command centre (ROC). It gives a detailed overview of the framework and considerations required for a successful BVLOS application or waiver from the regulator. This truly is a thought-provoking insight from an industry expert on what is required to take your drone program to the next level or even better to a fully autonomous operation with the adoption of drone-in-a-box technology or other such technology.

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