December 9, 2022
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Demystifying BVLOS

Demystifying BVLOS

Demystifying BVLOS. Episode 01: Understanding the Australia-Pacific Regulatory Landscape with Jackie Dujmovic from Hover UAV

In this webinar series brought to you by our partners at FlyBase discussion circles around demystifying BVLOS drone operations, and the most frequent inquiries that drone users and businesses make about the regulatory process. When should a waiver or approval application be submitted? What steps must one take to obtain them? Can pilots and proofs of concept be carried out without a waiver or approval? How are the laws affected by geography? What prerequisites must be met before beginning the BVLOS operations and waiver process?

​We have heard you. And therefore, we bring you a brand-new webinar series. Through sessions with regulatory experts, we hope to address your questions and concerns regarding BVLOS drone ops and waivers particular to your operating region!

​The main focus of this session was on BVLOS drone operations, the various use cases prevalent in Australia and New Zealand, and the CASA and CAA regulatory frameworks that affect the region.

If you are looking for any assistance on BVLOS operations be it defining your concept of operations or guidance on hardware or software and where it may fall in regards to its SAIL level (Specific Integrity and Assurance Level), both in Australia or New Zealand please do not hesitate to reach out to the experienced Hover UAV team for assistance. Hover UAV has a wealth of knowledge in gaining waivers or approvals from both CASA (Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority) and the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand) making Hover UAV your go-to resource when looking to leverage the most from your autonomous drone program.

Jackie Dujmovic Hover UAV – FlytBase

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