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Airservices Announce UAS Suppliers

Airservices Australia Announces First UAS Service Suppliers Airservices Announce UAS Suppliers – Airservices Australia has taken a major step in integrating drones into national airspace. It has announced the first round of Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS) Service Suppliers (USS) to connect with the new Flight Information Management System (FIMS)…
Australian Aviation Awards 2023

Jackie Dujmovic and Hover UAV Soar to the Finals of the Australian Aviation Awards 2023

Finalists Australian Aviation Awards In a significant industry announcement, both Jackie Dujmovic, CEO of Hover UAV, and her dynamic team ha…
AAUS Industry Awards - Winner Education and Safety - Hover UAV

Hover UAV Triumphs at AAUS Industry Champion Awards: A Milestone in BVLOS Training and Safety Education

Hover UAV AAUS Winners Hover UAV, a distinguished RPAS consulting firm, has etched another milestone by clinching the coveted Australian Associa…
BVLOS Exam - Hover UAV

New BVLOS Examination for Drone Industry

New BVLOS Examination – The drone industry is rapidly evolving, and as a result, the standards and regulations for remote pilots are also constantl…
BVLOS New Zealand

New Zealand BVLOS Safety Case Week

Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand Part 102 BVLOS approvals Recently, the NZ Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employmen…
Basic Aviation Risk Standard

BARS Success for Hover UAV

Hover is a BARS Registered RPAS (Drone/UAV) Operator.We are delighted to announce that Hover UAV is now a BARS Registered RPAS (Drone/UAV) Oper…
Jackie Dujmovic re-elected

Jackie Dujmovic Re-elected to the Board of AAUS

Jackie Dujmovic, CEO of Hover UAV has been re-elected to the board of the Australian Association for Uncrewed Systems (AAUS) for another 3-year ten…
Drone Risk Assesments

Hover UAV & ANRA Technologies Win Aussie Government Technology Grant for Drone Risk Assessments

Hover UAV and ANRA Technologies are excited to announce they are one of the recipients of the Australian Department of Infrastructure, Transport, R…
Drone Talks - Jackie Dujmovic

Drone Talks – Jackie Dujmovic

Drone Talks – Jackie Dujmovic. In this exclusive C-Level DroneTalks interview, Eszter Kovacs, CEO DroneTalks, talks to Jackie Dujmovic, Founder and…
Airwards Winner Hover UAV

Airwards Winner – Hover UAV, Consultancy 21/22

Receiving international recognition, Hover UAV has this year been announced as the main category winner for consultancy at the annual Airwards 21/2…
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One of the Foremost Experts in Drone Operations

At Hover UAV we assist drone programs from conception to full implementation. We are a passionate team of experts, with diverse skill sets and backgrounds gained in sectors such as maritime, crewed aviation, defense, corporate and engineering sectors.

Aerospace New Zealand

AAA22_Finalists_Remotely Piloted Aircraft Business of the Year

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